"Come Find Me" is finalist at Theatre BC New Play Contest with workshop in July.
"Heaven Can't Wait" in Lab Laughs, Tampa, FL
"Bess the Other Houdini" extract in Best Women's Monologues 2024, Smith & Kraus, NY
"Bess - The Other Houdini" World Premier, The Grove Theatre, Eastbourne and Upstairs at the Gatehouse, London, UK
"Joy Ride" Brisk Festival L.A.
"Off the Map" World Premiere at Centenary Stage, NJ
Rikki Tikki Tavi - Decatur High School, Illinois
"Everything Must Go" Sixth Fest, NYC and Chicago
"The Powder Room" Clackamas Community College, Oregon
"Kids Like Us" monologue published in We/Us, Smith & Kraus ,NY
"Lost in the Willows" tour of SE England Oct 4-Nov26, 2022
"Bess - The Other Houdini" New Play Workshop, Brighton, UK
"Renewables" published in "Best New Ten Minute Plays 2022"
Smith and Kraus NY
"Off the Map" FINALIST in Woodward/Newman New Play Award
"Off the Map" Rehearsed Reading, Centenary Stage, NJ, April 27
"Joy Ride" Bergen County Academy, June
"Hold My Wings" Mad Lab's Theatre Roulette, May 15-28
"Hold My Wings" Ink Festival Suffolk, April 21-24
Monologue from "Off the Map" published in SHE PERSISTED, Applause Books NY 2021
"Vespers" Cone Man Running, Texas
"Blind Larks" Barrington Stage, Mass
"Hold My Wings" Laboratory Theatre, Tampa
"Everything Must Go" Fast and Furious, Stage Left, California
"Renewables" Playwrights' Round Table, Orlando
"Dragonflies" The Studio Theatre, The Villages, Florida
"Vespers" Lost Soul Monologues, UK, Podcast
Hold my Wings, BBC Radio Suffolk
Call My Name, Las Vegas Little Theatre, Red Herring Theatre and Dark Work Monologues.
Romantics Anonymous, Flush Ink Productions, Asphalt Jungle Shorts, Kitchener
Cousins, winner of Soundworks UK Short Story Contest 2020
Blind Larks, Believabilty Series II, Alternative Theater Co. NY
Mud Stars, Nomad Theatre, Normal, Illinois, and Monologue Free For All, NY
Kolaches, Windbreak, Knucker's Pond, A Mother Speaks, Mud Stars
for Writer's Block Radio Hour, SuperSoundScotland, Glasgow
Many Happier Returns, Women at Play(s) Toronto
Kolaches, Motherlogues, Red Herring Theatre, Columbus, Ohio
Mind How You Go, Brighton Theatre of the Air
Joy Ride and Connections, Theatre Tapas, Columbus, Ohio
Dragonflies, Mary Baldwin University, Virginia
Joy Ride, Baytown TX. "The Other Side" Festival
Four Thieves Vinegar, Rialto Theatre, Brighton Fringe
FourTails Theatre Company
and published by StageScripts UK Ltd.
Connections, I60 One Minute Play Festival, Leeds, UK
2018 Mind How You Go, Mixed Doubles III, Brighton
2018 Lookout Point, Mixed Doubles III, Brighton
2018 Many Happier Returns, Mixed Doubles III, Brighton
2018 For Art's Sake Bashir Productions, London
2018 Vespers at Women's Festival, Lake Forest, NC
2018 Normal at #metoo Festival NYC
2018 Joy Ride at 10 x 10 Barrington, MA
2018 Joy Ride at Short and Sweet, Sydney, Australia
2018 Joy Ride at Phoenix Stage, CT
2018 Dragonflies at Phoenix Stage, CT
2018 Ladies Loo for Brighton Theatre of the Air
2017 "It's a Wonderful Life" The Cliffhanger Company - December
2017 "Intervention" at Thalia Festival, NYC - June
2017 "Joy Ride" for Mixed Doubles II, Rottingdean - April
2017 Four Thieves' Vinegar at Barons Court Theatre - March
2016-2017 "Dragonflies" and "Ladies' Loo" for Mixed Doubles, Rottingdean
2016 "Shadow Island" Radio Play, Longhill High School, Rottingdean
2016 "Shore Leave" Playwrights Round Table, Summer Shorts, Orlando
2016 "Dragonflies" Slam Boston, Modern Day Griot, Short and Sweet Auckland
2016 "The Death of Me" published by StageScripts, UK
2015 "The Fever Trees" - workshop at Kipling Festival Rottingdean
2015 "Rikki Tikki Tavi" - a new adaptation of Kipling's short story - June-July 2015
2015 "Four Thieves' Vinegar" Equity Workshop, 42nd Theatre, London, September
2015 "Winter Light" Red Earth Theatre, Sedona, Arizona - April
2015 "Winter Light" StageWrite, Bedford, UK - March
2014 "Winter Light" - Verbal Theatre, Sheffield, UK in December
2014 "Self Preservation"- Seoul Players, S. Korea, September
2014 "Winter Light" - Driftwood Players in Washington in July.
2014 "Winter Light" - first runner up in Fusion's The Seven, New Mexico.
2014 "Turning Tables" in 'Arrivals and Departures' in August- Ruddy Productions NY
2014 "Just So!" a new adaptation of Kipling's stories commissioned by the Heritage
Lottery Fund played to over 900 people at the Brighton Fringe and the
Kipling Festival in Rottingdean.
2014 "Off the Map" public rehearsed reading at Sobe Arts in Miami
2014 "Self Preservation" - runner up as Audience Favorite at Diez Minutos
10 Minute Play Festival in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico in March.
2013 "Wit's End" - reading at Pound Ridge Theatre in NY on May 5, 2013.
2013 "Dragons" - finalist at Heartland Theatre in Illinois.
2013 "The Powder Room" - broadcast by Spokane Radio Theatre, August, 2013.
2013 "Come Away" - produced in February in Calgary at the Just Acts Festival
for The Knox Theatre Collective.
2013 "Intervention" - produced as part of the Vox Feminina Festival in Houston, Texas,
by Pandora Theater in April.
2013 Co-directed San Miguel box office hit, the French farce: "Don't Dress for Dinner" March, 2013
(photos in directing gallery)
2013 Directed four pieces as Artistic Director for the Diez Minutos Festival in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, April 11, 12, and 13, including directing the winning play, "Brief Encounter" by Mark Wilson.
2012 A two day workshop of "Four Thieves Vinegar" was held in St. Johns, Newfoundland,
by "White Rooster Theatre" and "She Said Yes Productions as part of the Women's Work Festival.
2012 The monologue "Cousins" was produced at the Milford Fine Arts Centre, Milford, Connecticut
2014 "Self Preservation" - runner up as Audience Favorite at Diez Minutos
10 Minute Play Festival in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico in March.
2013 "Wit's End" - reading at Pound Ridge Theatre in NY on May 5, 2013.
2013 "Dragons" - finalist at Heartland Theatre in Illinois.
2013 "The Powder Room" - broadcast by Spokane Radio Theatre, August, 2013.
2013 "Come Away" - produced in February in Calgary at the Just Acts Festival
for The Knox Theatre Collective.
2013 "Intervention" - produced as part of the Vox Feminina Festival in Houston, Texas,
by Pandora Theater in April.
2013 Co-directed San Miguel box office hit, the French farce: "Don't Dress for Dinner" March, 2013
(photos in directing gallery)
2013 Directed four pieces as Artistic Director for the Diez Minutos Festival in San Miguel de Allende, Mexico, April 11, 12, and 13, including directing the winning play, "Brief Encounter" by Mark Wilson.
2012 A two day workshop of "Four Thieves Vinegar" was held in St. Johns, Newfoundland,
by "White Rooster Theatre" and "She Said Yes Productions as part of the Women's Work Festival.
2012 The monologue "Cousins" was produced at the Milford Fine Arts Centre, Milford, Connecticut