2 performers, any gender
Comedy for stage or radio
A recently recycled Soul gets the chance to decide whether to stay in Paradise or return to the World...by taking a Quiz
Commissioned for BBC Radio Suffolk in 2020 by Ink Festival
and part of their festival tour in 2022.
Livestreamed by LAB Theater Project, Tampa, April 2021
Performed as part of Madlab's THEATRE ROULETTE, for Tiny Sassy Shorts, Columbus, Ohio, and at CENAC in Melaque, Mexico
Available as two or five minute radio or stage version
"Words cannot describe how taken we were with your work, we received over 1000 submissions and yours was one of 21 selected for production. Each play was read by no fewer than five readers across three rounds of evaluation - it was an intense process and your work really stood out. The play is so gorgeous and clever!" -
Bethany Dickens, Literary Manager, MadLab